The phone number +39 338 7797624 is active for contact info and booking from 9.00am to 12.00am and from 3.00pm to 6.00pm.
The phone number + 39 335 6220229 is available only in case of real emergency.
For general communications, once arranged the lessons with Happy Ski secretariat, the phone call should be made directly to instructor.
Therefore, the parents of children are invited to ask Happy Ski the instructor’s phone number.
For the lessons is required the advance payment, by credit transfer, to: Scuola Sci Happy Ski Cortina – IBAN IT09H0200861071000040060262
It’s possible to cancel the reservation for private lesson not later than one day before the lesson are to be held. Refunds in case of illness are made upon presentation of medical certificate.
Payments for group lessons will not be refunded in any case.
The lesson price doesn’t include the insurance coverage for students own injury or students damages to third party.
Cash has to be provided by the family to the students in order to pay snacks and lunch.
On January 1st lessons will take place: the time of gathering will be 1 hour postponed.
The use of ski helmet is mandatory for all Happy Ski students.
Parents must inform the ski instructor regarding food intolerance or illness/inability of students.